Cadet Leave: Information for parents – Email: leave --at--

When a cadet (including cadet recruits, cadets and cadet NCOs) is not able to attend a scheduled Tuesday parade or a compulsory activity, leave must be requested. Failure to request leave will result in an Absent Without Leave (AWOL). AWOLs that are not resolved, as advised below, will prevent cadets from achieving their Platoon qualification, as well as disqualifying senior cadets from promotion.

As part of our duty of care, we will directly contact parents/guardians when we believe that a cadet is Absent Without Leave.

How to request leave from cadets

Email from parent/guardian

An email from the cadet's parent/guardian can be sent to the unit. The email must state the date(s) for which the cadet will be on leave, and provide a short explanation.

We do not accept emails that originate from the cadet's own email address.

The email address for leave requests is: leave --at--

How do I know when the scheduled activities are?

Access the semester parade cards, or term training programs